Sunday 14 September 2014

American history - legends and lies

Just finished reading a fascinating (and extensively researched) book by Richard Shenkman titled Legends, Lies and Cherished Myths of American History. Although it was published in 1988 you might be able to find a copy in the library or the markdown bin of your local bookstore (where I picked up a copy for fifty cents).

This is a great read for people interested in history and education as it reveals many of the lies and legends contained in American history books.

Some of the points Mr. Shenkman makes in his book are:

. It was Aristole, not Christoper Columbus, who proved the world was round, not flat
. Columbus was responsible for murdering thousand in Haiti
. America got its name from and Italian mapmaker
. The Ford Model T first came in green with a red stripe, not black
. Charles Lindberg was not the first to fly across the Atlantic non-stop, he was the 67th
. Claims that the  Founding Fathers were paticularily religious is false
. George Washington couldnt have fathered a child with one of his slavws because he was impotent
. The Puritans were mot sexually repressed
. Childrearing during the Colonial Days wad mostly done by fathers
.... And lots of other bits of info

Mr. Shenkman can be reached at

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