Wednesday, 18 November 2015

"Kids need their mothers AND fathers" - media release

 New billboard press conference - now

"Nearly half of all marriages end in divorce. When they do dads are being made increasingly irrelevant in the life of their kids, often as a result of spite or malice, with tragic consequences on children, families and communities. 

These billboard ads are the second in a three part campaign sponsored by CAFE that is challenging social attitudes towards men's issues. Earlier this year a head-turning billboard called attention to male survivors of domestic violence.

Since the alienated parent is most often the father, the effects of parental alienation combine with a biased family court system to result in the forced absence of dads from the lives of their children. Research shows fatherless children are more likely to drop out of school, engage in substance abuse, become incarcerated or pregnant as teenagers."... CCMF

Here's how you can help:

2. Tweet or join the conversation on social media using #LetsTalkMen

3. Get informed about the issue by visiting our campaign webpage or reading our media advisory

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